NEWTON-g (new tools for terrain gravimetry) is one of the 27 champions that were selected over a total of 395 applications, submitted to the third FET-Open Research and Innovation Actions call, under the Work Programme 2016-2017 (NEWTON-g, Grant Agreement No 801221). NEWTON-g proposes a paradigm shift in terrain gravimetry, aimed at overcoming the limitations imposed by currently available instrumentation. A new "gravity imager" will be developed, including sensors based on MEMS and quantum technologies.

Project video

Project facts
Start date:

1 June 2018
Number of participants:

Project duration (months):


INGV (Italy)

Project overview



Gravimetry is a powerful geophysical tool, able to detect changes in subsurface mass, thus providing a window into processes that involve deep fluids (water, magma, hydrocarbons...). Nevertheless, high cost and operating features of current instrumentation seriously limits the practical field use of gravimetry.
NEWTON-g proposes a radical change of paradigm for gravimetry to overcome such limitations. We aim at developing a field-compatible gravity imager, including an array of low-costs MEMS-based relative gravimeters, anchored on an absolute quantum gravimeter. This system will provide imaging of gravity changes with unparalleled spatio-temporal resolution.
We will field-test the new gravity imager at Etna volcano (Italy). Insights from the gravity imager will be used for volcanic hazards analysis, to demonstrate the importance of gravity to problems of societal relevance. A successful implementation of NEWTON-g will open new doors for geophysical exploration and will shift the locus of gravimeter manufacture from North America to Europe.